We would like to thank you for visiting our website and we hope to see you in our store soon!
Milton Village Hardware has been located at the same location at 54 Adams Street in Milton, Massachusetts since 1918! This is amazing to even us and we are proud to continue this business by operating it with pride and offering great products and services. Please look around on our website and check out some of the services we offer. If you have any questions about anything please give us a call at (617) 696-8808.
Colby Thomason, Owner
Colby has grown up working in the family business at Milton Village Hardware. In 2005, Colby become a major part in Milton Village Hardware’s operations. In March of 2018, after over 50 years of ownership by his father Richard, Colby became the owner of Milton Village Hardware. Today, under Colby’s leadership, Milton Village Hardware, Inc. has kept its hardware store roots but has expanded largely into a power equipment sales and service center. We are an Elite Stihl dealer employing technicians who hold the highest level of certifications.

Richard Thomason (retired)
Previous owner of Milton Village Hardware from 1967- 2018. Milton Village Hardware is what it is today largely because of Richard’s dedication to the business and the pride he took in offering a service oriented hardware store.